
Friday 21 January 2011

Welcome to The Wrath of Blog!

Hello... I suppose I should begin with the obligitary introductory sentence so here it is. My name is Tom Gillespie, and I'm a lover of films of all genres, age, nationality and even quality. From the masterpieces of Ingmar Bergman, to the tear-your-eyes-out crap fests of Herschell Gordon Lewis, I am always searching for something new or different, or something that has been long forgotten and flung into the purgatory of bargain bins or Quentin Tarantino's DVD collection. I thought it would be healthy to place my obssession into something active, and since I'm too lazy and untalented to actually make films, I thought I would write about them instead.

I currently reside in Swansea, though I am a native Wiganer (and that's the last time I'll admit it!). I do like to write scripts in my spare time but I must admit I'm very lazy. I have a degree in Media Film and Television which basically consisted of indulging in Eisenstein and Godard which had nothing to do with the course, and making a film about a paedophile in which my uncomfortable friend played said molesterer.

The aim of the site is to ultimately share my opinions with other film lovers, and to promote any gems I happen to stumble upon. It will include reviews, short essays, news reports and general rants that I would usually save for my long-suffering girlfriend who I frequently apologise to. I blame Eli Roth.

So I hope you enjoy it (if anyone actually reads it) and please feel free to leave comments... except if you are my brother and are considering posting a comment about penises.

Thank you!

Tom Gillespie


  1. Willy dick cock.

    Just joking - looking forward to reading your musings, although I doubt I'll be able to challenge your opinions because you're likely to cover obscure films that I will never see. I definitely echo your comments on tearing your eyes out while watching Herschell Gordon Lewis films.

    I reckon the crew of the Event Horizon had just finished a Lewis marathon when they went fucko.

  2. fuck you! HGL is a god! best filmmaker ever!

  3. Lewis is best summed up by a scene in Color Me Blood Red. When the murderer is using the guts of one of his victims to obtain blood for his painting, he's squeezing her intestines to get the blood out. Only blood wouldn't come out of her intestines - it would be shit.

    Color Me Shit Brown?

  4. fair point. but who wants realism is such films?? This ain't no Italian neo-realist movement!

    It's a cheep buck made in '60's technicolour!!

  5. I agree Marc. While I did want to tear my eyes out watching Lewis' films, I feel like my life has improved since I've watched Rameses pull out a woman's tongue in Blood Feast, and the killer in the Gore Gore Girls killing a woman by hitting her with a meat hammer on her arse!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Well I must say these all sound positively delightful. Tell me, Jew hater, where can I get my hands on these quiant little gems?
