Sunday 23 January 2011

Introducing Marc Ivamy...

I would like to welcome my friend Marc Ivamy as co-author of The Wrath of Blog, who I hope will make plenty of contributions and give us an insight into his own warped mind.

I met Marc when I used to live in Edinburgh a few years ago working at a delightful place called Virgin Media, where we were both doing an important, life-changing job that really had an effect on the world (ahem). We began discussing our love of films, where I realised his knowledge vastly outweighed mine. He loaned me a few of his films to watch, and opened up a whole new relm of cinema to me. Those films were Godard's Weekend, Bunuel's The Discreet Charm Of The Bourgeoisie, and Jan Svankmajer's Alice. Without Marc's recommendations I may have never seen a film by Mario Bava, Larry Cohen or Herschell Gordon Lewis... I now cannot imagine a world without them. I am eternally grateful!

Marc currently lives in Portsmouth, seemingly watching as many horror films as one brain can manage. As well as an avid film watcher, he is also an artist, writer, musician and devout Jew. One of those things is a lie.

Tom Gillespie

1 comment:

  1. Good to see you guys are doing something useful with your movie knowledge! Hope you are both well : )




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