This 1955 cult sci-fi 'favourite' first came to my attention whilst I was watching Mystery Science Theatre 3000: The Movie (1996) back in my University days. The clips accompanied by the sarcastic comments of the MST robots was hilarious, and I had to see the film. So, five or so years later, I did. And I realised without added hilarity of Mystery Science Theatre, the film isn't so much funny, as jaw-droppingly awful and frustratingly timid.

Apparently the special effects were ground-breaking in their day, and perhaps they were. But I felt it actually lacked bad special effects, which at least would have given the film a bit of charm. Don't get me wrong, I usually love these kind of awful films, but the film was played so straight-faced that I just found it a bore. My lack of interest also led to me getting confused about the plot. But there are funny moments, mainly involving the obnoxious alpha-male Cal and his assistant, who follows him around like a dog, and a scene where an embarrassingly crap alien insect attacks Cal and his love interest Ruth (Faith Domergue). For some quality cheesy sci-fi, I would recommend Robinson Crusoe On Mars (1964) instead, and give this one a miss.
Directed by: Joseph M. Newman
Country: USA
Rating: **
Tom Gillespie
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